Steampunk Inspired Dress Form by Lorrie

Hi everyone! Lorrie here with a fun dress for a project that incorporates my love of vintage items with Rinea Foiled Paper.

I absolutely adore all things vintage, especially "smalls" -- those are little inexpensive items like figurines or game tokens, or in this case antique watch parts!

Step 1: I started with a paper mache dress form that I found at my local big box craft store and Silver/Silver Starstruck Foiled Paper, Copper/Copper Starstruck Foiled Paper, and Gold/Gold Starstruck Foiled Paper.

Step 2: I cut the paper into small pieces. I learned that the smaller the pieces, the easier they are to work with.

Step 3: Using a decoupage medium and a foam brush, I applied all of the cut pieces of paper to the dress form. I overlapped the pieces so that there were no open spaces.

Step 4: I used a hot glue gun to attach all the vintage watch parts, clock charms, and a few rhinestones to the dress form. I finished with some stickers, each containing a quote about time.
I love how she turned out -- I hope this inspires you to make your own dress form muse!