Grungy Bat!

Hello, everyone! Is there anything more perfect for Halloween than a grungy bat? I enlisted the help of my husband. He is good at geometry and was quite the paper folding master in his youth. To refresh his skill he did an internet search on how to fold a bat and found excellent resources and tutorials on YouTube.
He found the Rinea Foiled Paper to be a perfect match for this project because it held the creases and shape nicely and is not bulky like a heavy duty card stock. Here are the steps he used following a tutorial he found on YouTube to make a bat:

He preferred the Starstruck Ebony foiled paper because it was a little lighter and thinner to work with yet held its shape beautifully. He used a 12 by 12 sheet!

He made several folds and finally got into the fun part!

This is when we really could see the bat take shape!

The only thing left was to perk up those ears and add the creases to the wings.
Making the bat was not hard. Make sure you practice on regular paper because there is a learning curve to it. Also, be patient with yourself and the process. A lot of the tutorials are about a half hour. Be prepared to stop often to complete the steps and set aside at least an hour to make the first one. After the first one, it gets easier!
There are so many wonderful uses for this project! We are going to use bats as place settings on the table!
Until next time ~ Happy Crafting!
Betz Golden