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Create Filled Strawberry Treat Boxes by Roni

Create Filled Strawberry Treat Boxes by Roni | Rinea
Fresh strawberries are one of my all time favorite treats in the summer time. Today I take that love of strawberries and turn it into a fun little treat box for your next get together. 
Rinea Foiled Paper Strawberry Treat Boxes by Roni
These treat boxes are so fun and easy to make you can whip up a whole quart basket full in no time. Let's begin!
Rinea Foiled Paper Strawberry Treat Boxes by Roni
Step 1 - For each strawberry cut one (1) 4" circle from Ruby/Gold Glossy Foiled Paper or Ruby/Ruby Starstruck Foiled Paper and one (1) 2 1/4" circle from Emerald/Gold Glossy Foiled Paper or Emerald/Emerald Starstruck Foiled Paper
Note: This will yield a 1 1/2" tall strawberry which holds a surprising amount of chocolate salted caramel pretzel bits (which is what this example is filled with). You can make larger or smaller strawberry containers by increasing or decreasing the size of the circles.
Rinea Foiled Paper Strawberry Treat Boxes by Roni
Step 2 - Fold the Ruby circle in half three times as shown in the photo. Repeat this step for each strawberry treat box you want to make.
Rinea Foiled Paper Strawberry Treat Boxes by Roni
Step 3 - Trim off the corners of the folded circle.
Rinea Foiled Paper Strawberry Treat Boxes by Roni
Step 4 - Punch a hole in the folded piece near the center approximately 1/8" down from the top.
Rinea Foiled Paper Strawberry Treat Boxes by Roni
Step 5 - Open the folded circle up; trim off 2 of the petals and save for another project.
Rinea Foiled Paper Strawberry Treat Boxes by Roni
Step 6 - Cut a length of green twine 20" long and double it over so you have a 10" long piece of twine.
Step 7 - Over lap the first and last segment of the circle and align the holes; feed the folded edge of the twine through both of these segments so you now have a little container.
Rinea Foiled Paper Strawberry Treat Boxes by Roni
Step 8 - Thread the twine from the outside towards the inside of the next petal of the container.
Rinea Foiled Paper Strawberry Treat Boxes by Roni
Step 9 - Continue threading the twine through each petal until you are back where you started.
Step 10 - It is time to fill the container with desired goodies. I used Chocolate Caramel Sea Salt Pretzel Bits but you could of course fill them with candy, nuts, or other treats.
Rinea Foiled Paper Strawberry Treat Boxes by Roni
Step 11 - Fold the Emerald circles the same way you did the Ruby circles.
Rinea Foiled Paper Strawberry Treat Boxes by Roni
Step 12 - Trim the triangle into a leaf shape and cut off the very tip near the center of the fold.
Rinea Foiled Paper Strawberry Treat Boxes by Roni
You now have the top for the strawberry!
Rinea Foiled Paper Strawberry Treat Boxes by Roni
Step 13 - Thread the leaves onto the twine and tie the twine into a bow to secure the strawberry and it's contents.
Rinea Foiled Paper Strawberry Treat Boxes by Roni
Step 14 - (optional) If desired you can use a marker to make little black seeds or you can leave the strawberry plain. They look cute either way.
Rinea Foiled Paper Strawberry Treat Boxes by Roni
Prima - Green Twine
Black Marker
Something Yummy to Fill the Container